The Mangala revolution

July 5, 2007

The political arena of Sri Lanka is in a storm these days!

The reason for the storm is the two renegade MPs who recently broke up from the Government.

 Mangala Samaraweera & Sripathi Suriyaarachchi. The biggest pricks in the eyes at  the moment for the President, the Government & the all powerful Freedom party.

 They are going everywhere.Forms new alliances. Meeting the Religous leaders, the Oppositon party leaders etc. etc. All in one single ambition….to topple the government.

 The Government is switching paths now. It is dragging the country down to the bowels of the earth. In such a situation Mangala & Sripathy appear infront of the people as the sole saviours….the only heroes that could save this country from disaster.

But are they really?

That is what the people should be thinking about now. Are they on to so much trouble just because of us? Do they REALLY care about this country? Or is this yet another Political farce?

The evidence are well layed infront of the people, IF they could recall the not-so-distant past. People surely musn’t have forgotten that Mr.Mangala & Mr.Sripathy were two main generals in the war for preidency of Mr.Mahinda Rajapakse.

 According to Mangala, president Rajapakse guaranteed his victory in the presidential election by entering into a secret pact with the Tigers.  He even tells us the enormous amount of money Mr.Rajapakse allegedly payed to the Tigers. Mr.Mangala (& Mr.Sripathy) semed to be so pained by this treachery of the President NOW. But since they led his campaign, they must have known all these affairs from the very begining. (They never told that they didn’t know of them during that time).Why didn’t these two patriots raise their voices at those times then? Why did they let a cheat win? They seemed to be viewing all these affairs as a crime ONLY AFTER they are kicked out of the Government. What if the president never chased them away? The silence of the lambs would have prevailed.

They are now talking about corruption in the Governmant. How all these corruption is dragging our country down. It surely is true what Mangala says but, I wonder if he thinks that the same Government was free of corruption when he was in it. Or didn’t he see it?Or did he simply ignore it? Surely there must have been a reason for his silence during those times.

 Well the facts are clear. Anyone who would spare a bit of thought can understand that this sudden surge of ptariotism of these men are nothing but a spring of insanity due to the loss of power. They would surely would do absolutely anythig to regain their lost prestige & even more. ( This became clear when Mangala shook  hands with the opposition leader recently whom Mangala himself critisized openly of being a traitor,cheat & an impotent man, not so long ago of course.).

 All these dosen’t mean that the President & the Government are saints & that they are governing us the right way. But the Mangala revolution is not the answer for the problem. They are just playing the age old political game to regain power,the game that was played by Sri Lnakan politicians for such a long time.Chosing Mangala & co. instead of what exists is nothing beyond changing the pillow to cure the headache.   

The choice will someday fall once again on the people as the baits are casted & the traps being layed. People will have to decide whether they will say NO to this charade or to make the same mistake that we all have been making for ages, yet again.